Search For laying In Quotes 364

I know a lot of people dread going to work every morning but my work is playing pretend and doing stunts and screaming. It's a lot of fun and I get to play dress up. Every day is exciting and different and new and cool. I couldn't be more grateful.

I like being out front doing what I do but then I also like playing in a band too. I'd like to do stuff like I did with Deee-lite. I went out and played with them and they were the stars that was cool.

You get to actually see the music video on the TV in the pilot and we have the soundtrack playing at this big party. I thought that was sort of a cool moment to actually have the A-Ha video is pretty cool.

THE GODS was my first professional band and I learned a lot during that time. It was very cool playing with so many great musicians as it helped me to learn.

Films are really cool because every couple months or however many times you can get a job because there's a lot of luck involved in that you're playing a different character.

Being on Oprah? You realize that there are a couple of types of audience members. There are like the cult people in the audience who are just crying before she gets on. And then there are the people who are playing it cool. I definitely was somewhere in the middle.

I always thought it would be really cool to be playing the drums in the show and then have your astral body or whatever travel all through the audience and dig whatever it's like out there.

Acting is sort of an extension of childhood. You get to play all of these roles and have so much fun. Playing an athlete would be so cool. Or where you get to shoot guns ride horses. I wouldn't turn down any of that.

'Allen Gregory' came about because we wanted an animated show and we were just tossing around some ideas about me playing a 7-year-old. We thought that would be cool because we couldn't do that in real life.

Playing and singing at the same time is pretty cool but sometimes it's difficult to know when you can just really let go a bit because you've got to get back to bloody microphone and sing some stuff.