Search For intern In Quotes 326

I'm happy to report that 'The New Press' is still in business to this day. But not thanks to me. I was a really bad publishing intern.

The Internet creates as well as destroys. Social networks search advertising and cloud computing are multibillion dollar industries that didn't exist 10 years ago. They are products of the same force that has rendered the Postal Service's core business obsolete.

Not since the steam engine has any invention disrupted business models like the Internet. Whole industries including music distribution yellow-pages directories landline telephones and fax machines have been radically reordered by the digital revolution.

If an Internet company steals content they shut it down. And let me tell you Apple France Yahoo France or Google France none of them have gone out of business.

We are at a crossroads in the music business: with the rise of the internet the world we live in has changed and the past is not coming back. But I see the glass as half-full: the internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on.

The Internet is the Viagra of big business.

The seven marvels that best represent man's achievements over the last 2 000 years will be determined by Internet vote... so look for Howard Stern's Private Parts to come in No. 1.

If the United Nations once admits that international disputes can be settled by using force then we will have destroyed the foundation of the organization and our best hope of establishing a world order.

People are craving this great progress in electronics going after computers the Internet etc. It's a giant progress technologically. But they must have a balance of soul a balance for human beauty. That means art has an important role.

So as I look at transitioning to the communication platforms of the future I see that the beauty of Internet protocols is you get the separation of the layers between service and technology.