Search For intelligence In Quotes 527

The White House is giving George W. Bush intelligence briefings. You know some of these jokes just write themselves.

Well I think there's a distinction between sexing-up the intelligence and sexing-up the presentation of the intelligence.

Most good actors have a huge intelligence about the human condition and a real open heart to different kinds of people and behavior.

Elia Kazan understood my problems. He was able to bring out the very best in me. He gave me credit for my intelligence.

It is an accepted commonplace in psychology that the spiritual level of people acting as a crowd is far lower than the mean of each individual's intelligence or morality.

Hamlet is an astonishing intelligence.

You know as director of the CIA I got an awful lot of intelligence about all the horrible things that could go on across the world.

Well look CIA is an agency that has to collect intelligence do operations. We have to take risks and it's important that we take risks and that we know that we have the support of the government and we have the support of the American people in what we're doing.

A German immersed in any civilization different from his own loses a weight equivalent in volume to the amount of intelligence he displaces.

Human folk are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals.