Search For greate In Quotes 739

As writers become more numerous it is natural for readers to become more indolent whence must necessarily arise a desire of attaining knowledge with the greatest possible ease.

The greatest sin is judgment without knowledge.

Learn from me if not by my precepts then by my example how dangerous is the pursuit of knowledge and how much happier is that man who believes his native town to be the world than he who aspires to be greater than his nature will allow.

Exclusively of the abstract sciences the largest and worthiest portion of our knowledge consists of aphorisms: and the greatest and best of men is but an aphorism.

Knowledge is that possession that no misfortune can destroy no authority can revoke and no enemy can control. This makes knowledge the greatest of all freedoms.

Helping someone come to a saving knowledge of Christ is the greatest achievement possible.

It is not knowledge but the act of learning not possession but the act of getting there which grants the greatest enjoyment.

The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done the greater will be his power of knowing what to do.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.

The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds.