Search For comfort In Quotes 303

I always knew that St. Jude was an amazing organization but meeting the kids and seeing how the hospital works first hand was truly beautiful. It doesn't feel like a regular hospital all dreary and sad. It's a colorful beautiful comfortable fun place to live and the energy is wonderful.

What an amazing opportunity to do something like direct a movie and step out of your creative comfort zone and yet do something that is also so familiar at the same time. I was also just excited to have the chance to direct which I may never get to do again.

I put the costume on and said 'It's not very comfortable but it looks amazing ' so it's all good.

But there is a discomfort that surrounds grief. It makes even the most well-intentioned people unsure of what to say. And so many of the freshly bereaved end up feeling even more alone.

I don't treat the band like I'm above them or that they're a hired hand for me. We've never worked that way. So I'm a team player. I would be very uncomfortable having to do this alone.

In days of doubt in days of dreary musings on my country's fate you alone are my comfort and support oh great powerful righteous and free Russian language!

I like singer-songwriters and I find sad songs comforting rather than depressing. It makes you realise you're not alone in the world.

Music is amazing. There's some metaphysical comfort where it allows you to be isolated and alone while telling you that you are not alone... truly the only cure for sadness is to share it with someone else.

As I get older I'm more and more comfortable being alone.

These days too many of us seem inclined to cover our ears close our eyes and blindly follow the most narrow conservative tenets of religion or else seek comfort in the ancient traditions of New Age ritual.

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It's important to ask candidates about their beliefs in part because politicians frequently exploit religious faith - often with the idea that voters will be more likely to unthinkingly accept certain political positions so long as they arise from religious belief.