Search For wreck In Quotes 30

I wanted to end my life so bad and was in my car ready to go down that ramp into the water and I did go part way but I stopped. I went again and stopped. I then got out of the car and stood by the car a nervous wreck.

Those youngsters go out there and set a record and clinch the pole position. But what do you do if you wreck your car. That record doesn't spend too well.

It wasn't a secret that I was gay. I'd come out to my parents during my junior year of high school on the day that I also wrecked the family car.

This is like my dad's race team where we had one Legend car. If we wrecked it we couldn't race the next week unless we had enough parts to put it back together again.

I drank a lot when I was a teenager and I don't drink any more because that's when I thought you know I'm gonna end up a car wreck.

Well I've been in a few car wrecks.

I recorded a song called I Fall to Pieces and I was in a car wreck. Now I'm worried because I have a brand-new record and it's called Crazy!

An architect's most useful tools are an eraser at the drafting board and a wrecking bar at the site.

The stars shall fade away the sun himself Grow dim with age and nature sink in years But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth Unhurt amidst the wars of elements The wrecks of matter and the crush of worlds.

Old age is a shipwreck.