Search For witness In Quotes 51

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred jealousy boastfulness disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words it is war minus the shooting.

We now witness the constructive work on a foundation that will endure through the ages. That foundation is the god of science - revealed to us in terms that will harmonize with our intelligence.

There must be room for the imagination to exercise its powers we must conceive and apprehend a thousand things which we do not actually witness.

Certainly anyone whom I've witnessed who has gone through something horrible and life-changing has a sense of ironic humor or an ability to look at the peculiarities of the world and find humor in it.

The 2012 London Olympic Games fostered a generation of hope. I witnessed women participating for the very first time representing every nation.

From the moment this baby came into our home those two dogs have never been more in love. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. People keep saying 'Oh you're a single mom.' I'm like 'Actually I'm not. I've got two boys helping.'

Never in our country's history have we witnessed a natural disaster that has impacted so many people in such a wide area. In fact as of the writing of this column millions of people along the Gulf Coast have been displaced from their homes in a period of only five days.

From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts we are witnessing the single greatest political pushback in American history.

We've had Town Hall meetings we've witnessed election after election in which the American people have taken a position on the President's health care bill. And the bottom line is the people don't like this bill. They don't want it.

The real truth is that the Obama administration is professional at bullying as we have witnessed with ACORN at work during the presidential campaign. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don't want a government-run health care plan forced upon them.

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My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral intellectual and physical education I received from her.