Search For witch In Quotes 47

You know my first three or four drafts you can see are on legal pads in long hand. And then I go to a typewriter and I know everybody's switching to a computer. And I'm sort of laughed at.

Shakespeare also introduces the supernatural into some of his tragedies he introduces ghosts and witches who have supernatural knowledge.

Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.

Here is everything which can lay hold of the eye ear and imagination - everything which can charm and bewitch the simple and ignorant. I wonder how Luther ever broke the spell.

President Obama chose politics over leadership. 'Hope' and 'Change' have become bait-and-switch.

Alaska is what happens when Willy Wonka and the witch from Hansel and Gretel elope buy a place together upstate renounce their sweet teeth and turn into health fanatics.

When I meet people who say - which they do all of the time - 'I must just tell you my great aunt had cancer of the elbow and the doctors gave her 10 seconds to live but last I heard she was climbing Mount Everest ' and so forth I switch off quite early.

I dropped out of school for a semester transferred to another college switched to an art major graduated got married and for a while worked as a graphic designer.

As the prospect of a Tory government gets nearer many traditional Labour voters - some who switched away in recent times and many who stayed at home - seem more determined to prevent that happening.

God as now generally conceived of is only the last witch.

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I can't wait to start something up myself that is actually about giving unsigned bands the exposure they deserve especially when they travel so far to play the smallest gig they've ever played in their lives.