Search For vocal In Quotes 29

The Brown decision promised that every child regardless of the color of his or her skin would have unequivocal access to quality education and an equal opportunity to pursue his/her dreams.

I am fussy about my diet and straining my voice. I know sounds a bit over the top. But I'm not as bad as I used to be. These days I don't drink alcohol for five days before a show - very dehydrating for the vocal cords and all that acid reflux. I used to ban it for a fortnight. Nightmare.

My parents loved each other. I was raised in a house of total love and respect. My dad worked very hard and my mother was incredibly devoted to him. I can unequivocally without any peradventure of doubt tell you that I was raised with the kind of love that we only dream of.

The music I want to hear in my head sounds somewhere between Jimi Hendrix and Massive Attack. It's not really like my dad but there will always be similarities because we have the same vocal cords and I learnt the guitar the way he taught me.

It's amazing to hear as a voice matures and then starts to decline what kind of emotion is still conveyed by a really good vocalist.

There are a lot of people using technology that are playing to a click with backing vocals already stuck in there on some computerized thing that runs along in time to the show so they have these amazing vocals that are only partly the guys on stage producing them at the time.

I'm tired of being around men all the time. I'm going to start a band called Skirt with three girls and I'll play the guitar and sing backing vocals in drag. I went window shopping when I was in New York saw a lot of amazing dresses.

Theatre when it is at its best takes a lot of beating - the live experience and the shared collective experience of live storytelling is really special when it is good. Particularly here in New York because the audiences are amazing very vocal and very engaged and that makes theatre very exciting.

There are so many different people that I've emulated vocally. In the rock world - Sebastian Bach Vince Neil Freddie Mercury Robert Plant. They all had amazing vocal talent.