Search For vince In Quotes 117

I'm convinced I got signed because of who I am. And it makes me sad.

Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.

This acting's serious! And I really respect those actors. It's a tough business to be able to be something you're not and be natural and convince people on camera.

There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.

I wish your increase in holiness number love religion and righteousness and wait you and cease to contend with these men that are gone from us for there is nothing that shall convince them but judgment.

Every fundamentalist movement I've studied in Judaism Christianity and Islam is convinced at some gut visceral level that secular liberal society wants to wipe out religion.

We know too much and are convinced of too little. Our literature is a substitute for religion and so is our religion.

No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.

I've got five kids and I'm married Tommy's got two kids and he's been married Vince just got married again Mick's out of a relationship Tommy's single as well. We've done a lot in our life we've covered a lot of miles.

Power is something of which I am convinced there is no innocence this side of the womb.