Search For video In Quotes 80

Up until now the biggest question in society about video games has been what to do about violent games. But it's almost like society in general considers video games to be something of a nuisance that they want to toss into the garbage can.

Music videos are notoriously long not fun grueling. You are known there as a dancer and it's kind of sad because dancers in a lot of ways are under-appreciated and kind of under-respected when it come to that so they don't necessarily treat you in a nice way when you do a music video.

I love music videos I really do. I think it's kind of sad that it's a dying art form.

I'm getting my respect as a video director. The fashion industry respects me and knows who I am.

I like video games I like tech I like being positive.

I don't want to be an artist go on tour and make a video and wear sexy clothes. I would just love to make music.

I've loved Michael Jackson his music his music videos.

Adam does most of the work when it comes to videos and he basically does the same as I do with the lyrics. The videos are his visual interpretations of our music.

I've rarely seen video screens used well in a music concert.

It's time for me to do things I like so I will be happy my wife will be happy my friends will be happy. I just want to do something I'm proud of. It's time for me to change. I could sign with a company for 10 movies and I'm the king of video and so what?

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A woman tells her doctor 'I've got a bad back.' The doctor says 'It's old age.' The woman says 'I want a second opinion.' The doctor says: 'Okay - you're ugly as well.'