Search For valley In Quotes 29

Even in the valley of the shadow of death two and two do not make six.

Regard your soldiers as your children and they will follow you into the deepest valleys look on them as your own beloved sons and they will stand by you even unto death.

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.

I think there are four or five interesting pockets where a lot of cool technology companies are getting started. Chicago is one of them. New York is certainly another. Silicon Valley really dominates. And you're seeing some stuff out of Boston and Seattle and down South.

My friends are people who like building cool stuff. We always have this joke about people who want to just start companies without making something valuable. There's a lot of that in Silicon Valley.

So a more sensible thing it seemed to me was to go to Silicon Valley and be pushing on the technology companies to accelerate the use of audio and music in computers.

When I first thought of the idea for 'Sweet Valley High ' I loved the idea of high school as microcosm of the real world. And what I really liked was how it moved things on from 'Sleeping Beauty'-esque romance novels where the girl had to wait for the hero. This would be girl-driven very different I decided - and indeed it is.

My brother and Lauren are very close with me and they are in Sun Valley so sometimes I need to go there and feel their presence. And there are times I need to see my bro' alone.

I wrote a screenplay for a 'Sweet Valley High' adaptation and it's really amazing to me how many women who are my age have responded to the idea and are excited about the movie.