Search For understands In Quotes 44

A jazz musician can improvise based on his knowledge of music. He understands how things go together. For a chef once you have that basis that's when cuisine is truly exciting.

The heartbeat of a football team is the quarterback position and I think everyone who has any intelligence about the game understands you must have consistency at that position to be a championship team.

Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.

A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for 15 years.

There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself the other appreciates what others can understand the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent the second good and the third kind useless.

Everyone who understands the nature of God rightly necessarily knows that God is to be believed and hoped in that he is to be loved and called upon and to be heard in all things.

It's funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they'll do practically anything you want them to.

I have just enough people paying attention that I have the freedom to be in charge. And I have a great record company - Nonesuch understands what I'm about.

I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.

A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.