Search For tonight In Quotes 28

I'm worried about that man or woman sitting around - the coffee table tonight or in their kitchen talking about how are we going to get to work. How are we going to have the dignity to take care of our family.

Tonight you are hearing from the Democratic women of the Senate... We stand together on so many issues: economic prosperity quality education for all protecting a woman's right to choose.

Though I know he loves me tonight my heart is sad his kiss was not so wonderful as all the dreams I had.

Every comedian dreams of hosting 'The Tonight Show' and for seven months I got to. I did it my way with people I love and I do not regret a second.

She still talks to me now only now she talks to me in my dreams. And I can't wait to go to sleep tonight because we have a lot to talk about. I love you.

To a billion people around the world surviving on just a dollar a day the question of what to eat tonight is more about life and death than about recipes. The struggle of poor people around the globe weighs heavily on me especially now that I am a mother which is why I work with Oxfam.

I want to let my friend Buster know that I would like to have dinner with him tonight. Does Buster work at home? Then how likely is he to have his cell phone on? Is he one of those people who only turns on his cell when he's in his car? I hate that.

Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight.