Search For tends In Quotes 60

Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be.

The emphasis on the birth of Christ tends to polarize our pluralistic society and create legal and ethnic belligerence.

The knowledge and understanding of the world which science gives us and the magnificent opportunity which it extends to us to control and use the world for the extension of our pleasure in it has never been greater than it now is.

There tends to be a jealousy in England towards countries that are successful.

People's intelligence tends to be in inverse proportion to their number. People don't tend to get smarter as they get into bigger groups.

My humor tends to be a little more edgy than is appropriate for 'Twilight ' although I got some in there. That was fun! There's just a tonal difference. For me storytelling is storytelling. But I do like writing for grown ups.

If one tends to be a humorous person and you have a sense of humor the rest of your life then you can certainly lighten the load I think by bringing that to your trials and tribulations. It's easy to have a sense of humor when everything is going well.

I'm terrible as I never take my make-up off at night which I know is really dreadful. Whenever I'm out partying I just can't be bothered and now I am on 'Loose Women' that tends to be all the time. I hope next year holds even more parties for me.

To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition the end to which every enterprise and labor tends and of which every desire prompts the prosecution.

As the President reviewed the state of the union and unveiled his second-term agenda he fell short of adequately explaining how he intends to set America back on the course of fiscal responsibility and secure the fiscal health of the nation.