Search For teeth In Quotes 42

Men will confess to treason murder arson false teeth or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humor?

People may think of Southern humor in terms of missing teeth and outhouse accidents but the best of it is a rich vein running through the best of Southern literature.

Alaska is what happens when Willy Wonka and the witch from Hansel and Gretel elope buy a place together upstate renounce their sweet teeth and turn into health fanatics.

I like to do weird things in the shower like drink my coffee brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It's good time management.

I had no accomplishments except surviving. But that isn't enough in the community where I came from because everybody was doing it. So I wasn't prepared for America where everybody is glowing with good teeth and good clothes and food.

You know Stephen says in the movies no one ever goes to the bathroom. They shave they brush their teeth. He goes right at this sort of funny taboo we have about the bathroom and he turned it into this nightmare you know your worst fear of what's in there.

I don't know how to construct a career that'll make me famous. Except maybe get my ears pinned back get my teeth done and go to America. But then I'll be competing with billions of actors who haven't got false teeth and who are 25.

I became famous so quickly and so young - it was daunting. I was immature and I used to say some really stupid things in interviews. I never smiled on stage so I looked really serious but it was because I hated my teeth and was incredibly nervous.

Writing a novel is a terrible experience during which the hair often falls out and the teeth decay.

I'm a wonderful disaster. So are you. We're all a mess. We're in this culture that says take this pill and you'll be happy go on this diet and you'll be thinner have your teeth whitened people will love you more.