Search For sword In Quotes 29

When you're 14 anything with a sword and a dragon is pretty cool. But when you're 21 and you've read 2 000 fantasy novels you start to realize that some of those books well they weren't really good. OK let's be honest. A lot of them were crap.

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it and get a new one every six months.

I am interested in a lot of things - not just show business and my passion for animals. I try to keep current in what's going on in the world. I do mental exercises. I don't have any trouble memorizing lines because of the crossword puzzles I do every day to keep my mind a little limber. I don't sit and vegetate.

Lay this unto your breast: Old friends like old swords still are trusted best.

Beauty is power a smile is its sword.

Indulge not thyself in the passion of anger it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast or murder thy friend.

First of all plain and simple you have no real idea of what it means to be famous until you become famous. It's a double-edged sword. Obviously there are a lot of amazing things about fame but there are also a lot of challenging things about it.

You hit a certain age and - especially because of TV - the young cooks coming up say 'You're a sellout because you're doing something other than what you should be doing.' 'Top Chef' is a double-edged sword for me: There's a whole group of people who will not come to the restaurants because they assume I'm not in them anymore all I do is TV.

At the age of four with paper hats and wooden swords we're all Generals. Only some of us never grow out of it.