Search For surprising In Quotes 37

End-of-the-world stories tend to ring true. I've always been drawn to them but as I wrote my own I found surprising pleasure in creating a world that is so radically changed yet where there's so much meaning and value in every small and ordinary thing we have and take for granted: hot showers enough food friends routines.

Chronic malnutrition or the lack of proper nutrition over time directly contributes to three times as many child deaths as food scarcity. Yet surprisingly you don't really hear about this hidden crisis through the morning news Twitter or headlines of major newspapers.

I follow the most random people on Twitter. I follow famous people like Khloe Kardashian who surprisingly makes really funny tweets all the time.

If the experience of science teaches anything it's that the world is very strange and surprising. The many revolutions in science have certainly shown that.

The most important American addition to the World Experience was the simple surprising fact of America. We have helped prepare mankind for all its later surprises.

You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you'd experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.

Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.

As for my diet I try to eat lean clean and healthy - nothing too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because they slow you down.

Language philosophy and science are interwoven into the design of words which are manipulated to create surprising illusions.

I have an all-Japanese design team and none of them speak English. So it's often funny and surprising how my ideas end up lost in translation.

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The ownership of computers in the home is far less than the statistics show because usually when the computer breaks down once that is the end of it for a long long time. They do not have the money or incentive to get the computer repaired.