Search For spoke In Quotes 77

All respect for the office of the presidency aside I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review spoke for itself.

Not only did I come out as a reality star that was very boisterous and vivacious and outspoken and all those things. I flipped that into money and respect. And a lot of people can't do that.

It was a real surprise to me to come across the evidence that Christianity might once have been a danced religion. Certainly some of the early church leaders thought this was great and spoke of what seems to have been circle dancing perhaps around an altar.

More than this even in those white men who professed religion we found much inconsistency of conduct. They spoke much of spiritual things while seeking only the material.

I've had trouble now and again in Nigeria because I have spoken up about the mistreatment of factions in the country because of difference in religion. These are things we should put behind us.

People who supported Obama felt like they formed a relationship that they were being spoken to. The way that campaign worked and the way he's worked during his first term is to make people feel like he's grasping their hand whether it's by tweeting or email moments after an event sometimes during an event. It makes people relate to him.

Even as a child I had a strong relationship with yearning and desire. And loss. Those things spoke to me.

At the last Celebration I spoke before an auditorium full of people and I could just feel the affection and the positive feelings that they were exuding. It was actually moving. I remember thinking 'I'm not worthy ' because 'Star Wars' is so much bigger than all of us.

I'm not going to talk like I know about politics because I'm a total amateur but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren't normally interested in politics.

This career essentially chased me down while I was on the spoken-word scene in New York. I kept hearing that my delivery of my poetry - which was very personal and cathartic at the time- was very moving to folks. People thought that I was an actress because of my delivery when I was just dropping into the work and really pouring out my soul.