Search For solid In Quotes 74

The question is what are we to do in order to consolidate peace on a universal and durable foundation and what are the essential elements of such a peace?

Not just Christians and Jews but also Muslims Buddhists Hindus and the followers of many other religions believe in values like peace respect tolerance and dignity. These are values that bring people together and enable us to build responsible and solid communities.

I'm at a point in my life where I have something solid now. I'm a peaceful person and I want to be surrounded by peace no matter what I'm doing.

The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is doubtless a separation.

On balance my life has been a constant stream of blessings rather than disappointments and failures and tragedies. I wish I had been re-elected. I think I could have kept our country at peace. I think I could have consolidated what we achieved at Camp David with a treaty between Israel and the Palestinians.

I mean movies in general tend to sort of portray time space and identity as these very solid things. Time moves forward. Space is what it is. You are you and you're always you.

To reform a world to reform a nation no wise man will undertake and all but foolish men know that the only solid though a far slower reformation is what each begins and perfects on himself.

Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.

I like being independent. I don't think that marriage means you're not independent but right now I'm very comfortable and I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. I feel solid. I feel safe.

It's tangible it's solid it's beautiful. It's artistic from my standpoint and I just love real estate.