Search For sleep In Quotes 260

When I prayed for success I forgot to ask for sound sleep and good digestion.

You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they're all pointed in the right direction.

I'll go out but I leave early before the shenanigans. I don't really do the Hollywood party thing. I'd rather watch sports or play videogames or work out or sleep to be totally honest.

But with exquisite breathing you smile with satisfaction of love And I touch you again as you tick in the silence and settle in sleep.

When I came into office people said 'Billionaire? How do they live? What do they eat? How do they sleep?' Today they see me on the subway coming uptown. A couple of people say hi some people smile and nod. Some people just sleep. It's not an issue.

I've always loved 3D. In fact as a kid I was exposed to 3D at an early age because my grandfather was a specialist of 3D in cinematheques. And then my cousin put it in 'Science of Sleep' with toilet paper tube cities. But he was a specialist and I always wanted to do something in 3D.

Man has to awaken to wonder - and so perhaps do peoples. Science is a way of sending him to sleep again.

I find it sad that by not talking about who I sleep with that makes me mysterious. There was a time when I would have been called a gentleman.

One should either be sad or joyful. Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and sleepers.

They say it's better to bury your sadness in a graveyard or garden that waits for the spring to wake from its sleep and burst into green.

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Start with a clean grill. Keep it clean by brushing with a wire brush after preheating and again after cooking. Make sure to oil your grates and your food before putting it on the grill to keep it from sticking.