Search For sides In Quotes 121

Science and literature are not two things but two sides of one thing.

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars conquer the deserts eradicate disease tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.

I had to choose I'd be so sad. They are flip sides of the same coin. I love both comedy and drama.

The waltz can be sad and at the same time uplifting. You have to see life from both sides and the waltz encapsulates that. If you're in my audience you give yourself to me and the waltz will grab you.

I think one of the downsides of the sort of obsession with romantic love and personal fulfillment is that the plain fact of the matter is that those feelings don't last for ever and so they better be replaced and reinforced by things that do.

There were two sides to David Lean: on the one side he was kind of a rather stiff disciplined Englishman. And then he had this kind of romantic side to him. I think being true to both sides of your nature is important.

More generally I made an effort to leave out things that weren't relevant to the main narrative themes of the book namely that there were two sides to Steve Jobs: the romantic poetic countercultural rebel on one side and the serious businessperson on the other.

Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government I think if it does not respect people's individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs there is going to be a visceral negative reaction.

All the different nations in the world despite their differences of appearance and religion and language and way of life still have one thing in common and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is.

There is one question that I don't think Gary Condit can answer and that I think is why we all aimed at Gary Condit besides the fact that he has a relationship.