Search For sickness In Quotes 34

Exuberant health is always as such sickness also.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.

Hollywood... a city I was to come back to time and again in sickness and in health in success and in failure with anticipation and with dread.

Sickness insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life.

Living is a sickness to which sleep provides relief every sixteen hours. It's a palliative. The remedy is death.

People think celebrities don't have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It's like you've traveled to this Land of Celebrity this other country.

People think celebrities don't have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It's like you've traveled to this Land of Celebrity this other country. They want you to tell about what you saw.

In India we only read about death sickness terrorism crime.

We are not victims of aging sickness and death. These are part of scenery not the seer who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit the expression of eternal being.