Search For shooting In Quotes 55

When I'm shooting a movie I'm always in an invisible theater seat. I respect the fact that people have worked hard all week and want to go to the movies on the weekend and be entertained.

I've been in enough movies to know that when you're on the set and you start shooting you're looking at playback and you get a sense of what it's going to be like.

Shooting this one was kind of like a two month party we would literally play music between takes and other movies that were shooting on our lot would play hookey come over and hang out and stuff. We had a great time.

Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting.

It's a miserable life in Hollywood. You're up at five or six o'clock in the morning to be ready to start shooting at nine.

The four of us couldn't have made a record with the time left over when we were shooting the show. We were on stage from 7.30 in the morning 'til 7 at night. Later on when there was a break from filming and we were sick of doing it the old way.

London is completely unpredictable when it comes to weather. You'll start a scene and it's a beautiful morning. You get there at 6 in the morning set up you start the scene start shooting. Three hours later it is pitch black and rainy.

We were doing it under the most extraordinary circumstances but the first out of the tent in the morning would be David Lean. He said to me on the very first day of shooting Pete this is the beginning of a great adventure.

I'm kind of lucky that we've finished shooting 'Cougar Town ' so I'm able to kind of just enjoy my pregnancy and be a stay-at-home mom and go to prenatal Pilates and do all that fun stuff that if I were working would be almost impossible to do.

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred jealousy boastfulness disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words it is war minus the shooting.