Search For shock In Quotes 72

We were so shocked by how fast that war went that President Bush did not have a plan a peace plan.

Agressive music can only shock you once. Afterwards its impact declines. It's inevitable.

I watch and listen to movies today and am shocked by the way actors deliver their lines. Everybody mumbles now and I don't understand why.

In the morning he was lying dead on one of the beds fully clothed. He was dead. I got the impression he wanted to go and I must have killed him. I can't remember strangling him. I just sat there shocked.

The results of this survey are shocking and should be a wake-up call to men and women that drinking and smoking too much not only gives you a bad headache in the morning but can affect your ability to start a family.

One morning I woke up and was plunged into psychological shock. I had forgotten I was free.

I was shocked by the amount of Welsh people in L.A. We'd go to this British pub to watch the 'Six Nations' early in the morning and I remember the first time I walked in it was just a sea of red.

There is a one woman in China that claimed she paid $50 to get my e-mail address. It was pretty shocking. I got one this morning from Scotland. A girl's requesting a signed photo of me.

I was always shocked when I went to the doctor's office and they did my X-ray and didn't find that I had eight more ribs than I should have or that my blood was the color green.

When I started law school I was shocked to learn that our legal system traditionally had the man as the head and master of the family. As late as the '70s and '80s when we were fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment states like Louisiana still had a head and master law.