Search For shell In Quotes 28

There is an increasingly pervasive sense not only of failure but of futility. The legislative process has become a cruel shell game and the service system has become a bureaucratic maze inefficient incomprehensible and inaccessible.

My time at Shell was a most valuable experience because it taught me to look at the world in a long-term way. Shell takes a 20-year view on events and plans for different scenarios. It makes you see the world as a kind of large matrix.

The word experience is like a shrapnel shell and bursts into a thousand meanings.

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service. The iMac is not just the color or translucence or the shape of the shell. The essence of the iMac is to be the finest possible consumer computer in which each element plays together.

We march and fight to death or on to victory. Our might is right no traitors shall prevail. Our hearts are steeled against the fiery gates of hell. No shot or shell can still our mighty song.

The car has become the carapace the protective and aggressive shell of urban and suburban man.

It's been such a deep and amazing journey for me getting close to John Keats and also I love Shelley and Byron. I mean the thing about the Romantic poets is that they've got the epitaph of romantic posthumously. They all died really young and Keats the youngest of them all.

The best artist has that thought alone Which is contained within the marble shell The sculptor's hand can only break the spell To free the figures slumbering in the stone.