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Every human being of whatever origin of whatever station deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.

The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance.

First of all my persuasion is what really breeds violence is political differences. But because religion serves as the soul of community it gets drawn into the fracas and turns up the heat.

The value of government to the people it serves is in direct relationship to the interest citizens themselves display in the affairs of state.

Every relationship that we have in our lives - our contact with each person place and event - serves a very special if yet to be realized purpose: They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way.

In order to be able to give a girlfriend the amount of time she deserves you would need time and I just can't give her that. So rather than being selfish or stupid enough to go into a relationship it's just been easier to be single.

Only he deserves power who every day justifies it.

No man deserves to be praised for his goodness who has it not in his power to be wicked. Goodness without that power is generally nothing more than sloth or an impotence of will.

African art is functional it serves a purpose. It's not a dormant. It's not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations.

A politics that is not sensitive to the concerns and circumstances of people's lives a politics that does not speak to and include people is an intellectually arrogant politics that deserves to fail.

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I'm a person who likes these sort of movies... sad but moving 'art movies' that normally are at a festival and then they go to a small art house theater and disappear.