I mean if a person acts irresponsibly in his own life he will pay the consequences. And it's not so much divine retribution as it's built into the law of nature.
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments there are consequences.
You can have great sequences with music but if you don't have the acting you're bored after 15 minutes. Or not bored but you're like 'So what?'
Men who are in earnest are not afraid of consequences.
Sometime they don't let you know that they know that they don't know everything but the core of the medical approach is that you try to identify pathologies which are subsystems within the human body or the larger system that are having undesirable consequences.
I was proud to share the stories of my friends at Georgetown Law who have suffered dire medical consequences because our student insurance does not cover contraception for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.
Eating disorders can have serious medical and psychological consequences which left unchecked can kill. Parents should address this issue and ask their children to discuss how they feel about themselves.
Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract and then goes into it deserves all the consequences.
Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In both cases a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences whatever they may be.
Our country was thereby saved from the consequences of its distracting individualistic conception of democracy and its merely legal conception of nationality. It was because the followers of Jackson and Douglas did fight for it that the Union was preserved.