Search For sentence In Quotes 48

A good compromise a good piece of legislation is like a good sentence or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'

All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough you can see the stars.

Most laws condemn the soul and pronounce sentence. The result of the law of my God is perfect. It condemns but forgives. It restores - more than abundantly - what it takes away.

I grow daily to honour facts more and more and theory less and less. A fact it seems to me is a great thing a sentence printed if not by God then at least by the Devil.

I don't have a problem believing in God and Jesus. But in Genesis one has to wonder about these sentences that just go on and end without finishing. The thought is unfinished. Where did Adam go? What is he doing? Hello? There has to be some pages missing.

I love weird or funny or beautiful sentences Joy Williams could write a microwave-oven manual and I'm sure I'd love it because the sentences would be tuned up like music.

I've been quite fascinated by the relative insignificance of human existence the shortness of life. We might as well be a letter in a word in a sentence on a page in a book in a library in a city in one country in this enormous universe! And that kind of fear and insignificance has kept me awake at night.

The seven wise men of Greece so famous for their wisdom all the world over acquired all that fame each of them by a single sentence consisting of two or three words.

I can't really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about I suppose the search for God the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.

Whatever universe a professor believes in must at any rate be a universe that lends itself to lengthy discourse. A universe definable in two sentences is something for which the professorial intellect has no use. No faith in anything of that cheap kind!