Search For scene In Quotes 133

I would like to do something dark or small. I love independent films. I love emotional scenes. I love people who are struggling with something. I think it's just the juxtaposition to my incredibly happy positive demeanor.

This career essentially chased me down while I was on the spoken-word scene in New York. I kept hearing that my delivery of my poetry - which was very personal and cathartic at the time- was very moving to folks. People thought that I was an actress because of my delivery when I was just dropping into the work and really pouring out my soul.

I started off in England and very few people knew I was Australian. I mean the clues were in the poems but they didn't read them very carefully and so for years and years I was considered completely part of the English poetry scene.

Only the change on the international scene the crisis in the gulf and the strong firm position of the United States against aggression between two Arab countries created realities that led to the Madrid Peace Conference.

Scenery is fine - but human nature is finer.

I grew up with classical music when I was a ballet dancer. Now when I have to prepare an emotional scene to cry or whatever I listen to sonatas. Vivaldi and stuff. It's just beautiful to me.

We're real people and we're a band that's been playing on the scene for a long time. We've made a lot of friends and one enemy we've always had was the NME. They've always basically slated us and they've basically never ever written about the music.

Ah reality TV: where opportunists delight in exposing opportunism! It's kind of like the indie music scene.

After all in today's music scene every band seems to steal from other bands.

You can't give up something you really believe in for financial reasons. If you die by the roadside - so be it. But at least you know you've tried. Ten minutes in the music scene was the equal of one hundred years outside of it.