Search For roughly In Quotes 41

You bet every member of Congress who votes for this bill ought to read it read it thoroughly and understand that what we're looking at here amounts to nothing more than a government takeover of our health care economy paid for with nearly a trillion dollars in new taxes on individuals and small businesses. And it must be opposed.

The lesson I have thoroughly learnt and wish to pass on to others is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.

Whatever I have tried to do in life I have tried with all my heart to do it well whatever I have devoted myself to I have devoted myself completely in great aims and in small I have always thoroughly been in earnest.

The government's desire to expand global trade may be understandable but we mustn't give away too much. We must tell our elected representatives to at least delay the Canada-China FIPA until it has been examined more thoroughly and to reconsider the inclusion of investor-state arbitration mechanisms in all trade deals.

It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good and we must hunger after them.

A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant superficial and uninformed.

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.

I have a loyalty that runs in my bloodstream when I lock into someone or something you can't get me away from it because I commit that thoroughly. That's in friendship that's a deal that's a commitment. Don't give me paper - I can get the same lawyer who drew it up to break it. But if you shake my hand that's for life.

At first I thoroughly enjoyed being famous.

Some theists in evolutionary science acquiesce to these tacit rules and retain a personal faith while accepting a thoroughly naturalistic picture of physical reality.