Search For rivers In Quotes 28

To drive an F1 car you have to be a little mad. On the morning of a race there's a mix of excitement and fear. If it's a wet track then it's worse as you're not in control most of the time which is the thing all drivers fear the most.

When I saw all those other drivers I realized that they wanted to win that money just as much as I did. But I didn't have to worry. A tire came off my car and I was lucky I got it off the track.

The irony is that it was tougher to rent a car from Cerberus when it owned Alamo than to buy a semi-automatic. To rent a car one had to provide ID a drivers' license and get insurance coverage. To buy a gun? Cash and carry from the back of a station wagon at a gun show. No concerns about downstream liability or risk.

It is with rivers as it is with people: the greatest are not always the most agreeable nor the best to live with.

Congress has an obligation to protect our country's natural beauty embodied in our nation's parks rivers and breathtaking landscapes.

I have been overcome by the beauty and richness of our life together those early mornings setting out those evenings gleaming with rivers and lakes below us still holding the last light.

Escape from the architecture ghetto is one of the major drivers and has been from the very beginning.

The one thing that unites all human beings regardless of age gender religion or ethnic background is that we all believe we are above-average drivers.