Search For rhythm In Quotes 42

Listen to any musical phrase or rhythm and grasp it as a whole and you thereupon have present in you the image so to speak of the divine knowledge of the temporal order.

I noticed a lot of guitar players neglected the rhythm part of rhythm guitar and decided I would try to focus in that. As my skill and knowledge of the instrument grew I found lead started to come naturally. Sometimes I play guitar like a frustrated drummer. Ha ha!

It's a miracle was the last track recorded for the album we based it on the rhythm from the middle of 'Late Home Tonight where there's Graham Broad playing lots and lots of drums with me shouting in the background pretending to be a mad Arab leader.

Walking is magic. Can't recommend it highly enough. I read that Plato and Aristotle did much of their brilliant thinking together while ambulating. The movement the meditation the health of the blood pumping and the rhythm of footsteps...this is a primal way to connect with one's deeper self.

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance order rhythm and harmony.

There's also a certain rhythm to the way Jews talk that might be funny.

I have actual dreams of Bruce Springsteen calling me up on stage to wear a bandanna and play rhythm guitar next to Little Steven.

Dubstep has everything for me. Rhythm sound design heartfelt emotion - all in one place.

The principle of the design - the harmony rhythm and balance are all the same with interior and fashion design.

The cool thing about writing is that there is really never a typical day. Sometimes I get a rhythm going and head off to work every morning and come home at night. Sometimes I'll write for two days straight and then be utterly blank for the next two.