Search For review In Quotes 47

So the news that divorced fathers are to be denied a legal right to a relationship with their children in the long overdue review of family law published this week fills me with horror and despair.

The Committee's review of a series of intelligence shortcomings to include intelligence prior to 9/11 and the pre-war intelligence on Iraq clearly reveal how vital a diverse intelligence workforce is to our national security.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

Just as the police review their operational tactics so we in the Home Office will review the powers available to the police.

As the President reviewed the state of the union and unveiled his second-term agenda he fell short of adequately explaining how he intends to set America back on the course of fiscal responsibility and secure the fiscal health of the nation.

A good day is one where I can not just read a book but write a review of it. Maybe today I'll be able to do that. I get for some reason somewhat stronger when the sun starts to go down. Dusk is a good time for me. I'm crepuscular.

Twice and thrice over as they say good is it to repeat and review what is good.

There's no artist in this world that doesn't enjoy the dream that if they have bad reviews now the story of Keats can redeem them in their fantasy or imagination in the future. I think Keats' poem 'Endymion' is a really difficult poem and I'm not surprised that a lot of people pulled it apart in a way.

I am confident that when the facts and policies have been examined when the record of performances have been reviewed Barack Obama and Joe Biden will once again be elected to lead our beloved country to a better future.

It's funny because '1600 Penn' was the first time I really started to read the reviews because I am an executive producer and I wanted to see what people were enjoying and not enjoying as a means to an end right?