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Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility... in the final analysis the one quality that all successful people have... is the ability to take on responsibility.

'Swan Lake' is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer it really requires such specific qualities of articulation agility strength and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training.

Base Ball to be played thoroughly requires the possession of muscular strength great agility quickness of eye readiness of hand and many other faculties of mind and body that mark the man of nerve.

Tennis takes care of everything. It requires agility and quickness to get to the ball core strength to get power into your shorts and stamina to last for an entire match. In addition to toning your arms and shoulders it's a total body workout for your legs and abs and works your heart and core unlike any other sport.

I've never found therapy to be a sign of weakness I've found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you definitely requires strength.

It requires more strength to be gentle so it's the everyday encounters of life that I think we've prepared children for and prepared them to be good to other people and to consider other people.

Usually terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all but just terrible things.

Anecdotal thinking comes naturally science requires training.

That said ID does not qualify as science because it gives us nothing to test or measure. Science requires replicable tests involving measurable variables.

Fruitful discourse in science or theology requires us to believe that within the contexts of normal discourse there are some true statements.