A civilization is built on what is required of men not on that which is provided for them.
Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.
So far 44 States or 88 percent of the States have enacted laws providing that marriage shall consist of a union between a man and a woman. Only 75 percent of the States are required to approve a constitutional amendment.
I decided he'd changed so much that a whole new book was required and that book actually I can say so was the first to say that the marriage was in trouble and the Prince didn't like at all and my book was being serialized in the Sunday Times over five weeks.
Love is always being given where it is not required.
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it immediately or in the long run.
We should not blur the lines between legal and illegal immigrants. Millions of people around the world have gone through the process to come here legally and they followed the rules that required them to pay a fee learn English and learn about American history and government.
We owe the Aboriginal peoples a debt that is four centuries old. It is their turn to become full partners in developing an even greater Canada. And the reconciliation required may be less a matter of legal texts than of attitudes of the heart.
Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country.
Here class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes which they are tested on. What is missing it seems to me is the use of knowledge the practical training.