Search For rejection In Quotes 24

I think I'm extremely vulnerable and that in some ways I seek out rejection. Never feeling like you're getting that pat on the back from dad is probably at the heart of that.

I was told to avoid the business all together because of the rejection. People would say to me 'Don't you want to have a normal job and a normal family?' I guess that would be good advice for some people but I wanted to act.

Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws or your rejection of the natural laws.

Too many Christians have a commitment of convenience. They'll stay faithful as long as it's safe and doesn't involve risk rejection or criticism. Instead of standing alone in the face of challenge or temptation they check to see which way their friends are going.

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God expects from men something more than at such times and that it were much to be wished for the credit of their religion as well as the satisfaction of their conscience that their Easter devotions would in some measure come up to their Easter dress.