Search For recipe In Quotes 32

Recipes are important but only to a point. What's more important than recipes is how we think about food and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that.

Of course I will continue to share my favorite Southern recipes just like my mama grandmother and family shared with me over the years. And now I'll be adding a little bit of a lighter touch to some of these wonderful dishes.

I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on and I love to make that.

One must never assume that a character is sympathetic because of either the actor playing them or the fact that they're a lead. I think that's a recipe for failure actually because if they become unsympathetic you lose your audience.

It wouldn't be fair to say that conservatives cherish property the way liberals cherish equality. But it would be fair to say that the takings clause is the conservatives' recipe for judicial activism just as they say liberals have misused the equal protection clause.

Realizing that the majority of kids that get molested feel that it is their fault along with shame those kids have no idea what to say or do to try to report anything and add that with the lack of education it is a complete recipe for disaster that leads to non-reporting of molestation.

To a billion people around the world surviving on just a dollar a day the question of what to eat tonight is more about life and death than about recipes. The struggle of poor people around the globe weighs heavily on me especially now that I am a mother which is why I work with Oxfam.

I'm not asking any of you to make drastic changes to every single one of your recipes or to totally change the way you do business. But what I am asking is that you consider reformulating your menu in pragmatic and incremental ways to create healthier versions of the foods that we all love.

What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love give it the best there is in you seize your opportunities and be a member of the team.

A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.