Search For reagan In Quotes 38

President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the backs of the people and now he demands that government wrap itself around the waists of the people.

As president Reagan worked very well with Democrats to do big things. It is true that he worked to reduce the size of government and cut federal taxes and he eliminated many regulations but he also raised taxes when necessary.

All Americans and freedom-loving people around the world owe President Reagan our deepest gratitude for his strong principled leadership that ended the Cold War and brought freedom to millions of people.

The words spoken by the leader of the free world can expand the frontiers of freedom or shrink them. When Ronald Reagan called on Gorbachev to 'tear down this wall ' a surge of confidence rose that would ultimately breach the bounds of the evil empire.

Since the presidency of Ronald Reagan conservatives have succeeded by adhering to a platform that rests firmly on three legs: smaller government faith and family and a strong national defense. These three legs do not merely represent a political coalition they are three necessary components of a strong and secure America.

You know my father as governor as president but I knew him as dad. I was so proud to have the Reagan name and to be Ronald Reagan's son.

Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought.

I have three favorite politicians: Reagan Truman and Bobby Kennedy - Bobby for showing remarkable political courage despite being loathed by many on both sides.

With his trademark courage and conviction President Reagan led us out of the Cold War spreading his vision of freedom resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of communism.

I think that Obama is very cool. And I think he's clever and I think he can be witty. But I don't think he's funny in either the way that Reagan was funny - or John McCain and Dick Cheney are both funny in that ruthless kind of mean way.

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Whatever he does should be seen as working at the Presidency and if he goes to Colorado for Christmas it should be for a minimum amount of time the family tradition and family get-together aspect emphasized and it be seen as a working vacation.