I do readings at the public library. I just did a benefit scene night for my old acting teacher.
My parents were early converts to Christianity in my part of Nigeria. They were not just converts my father was an evangelist a religious teacher. He and my mother traveled for thirty-five years to different parts of Igboland spreading the gospel.
I learned easily and had time to follow my inclination for sports (light athletics and skiing) and chemistry which I taught myself by reading all textbooks I could get.
I don't have the insight with the Longhorns that I do with the two teams that I own but as a fan and reading the sports pages I'm bullish about the Longhorns.
I finally decided one day reading science fiction magazines of the time I could do at least as well as some of these people are doing. So I finally made a serious effort.
The Old Testament is my favourite science fantasy reading.
American high school students trail teenagers from 14 European and Asian countries in reading math and science. We're even trailing France.
Beyond that I seem to be compelled to write science fiction rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature both fiction and nonfiction.
Oh I'm nerdy about science fiction and fantasy and graphic novels and reading and I'm nerdy about board games. My favorite board game is a board game I'm working on right now. It's a game of Napoleonic era naval warfare and it's going to be fun.
As a child I read science fiction but from the very beginnings of my reading for pleasure I read a lot of non-fictional history particularly historical biography.