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Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only. It cannot be a matter of rules. The moment it degenerates into rules it ceases to be a religion as it kills responsibility which is an essence of the true religious act.

What's very important is that we build a space that matters in the world one that operates according to democratic rules and that small and large countries enjoy a good relationship.

It demonstrates to his simple mind in the most positive manner that we have no prejudice against him on account of his race and that while he behaves himself he will be treated the same as a white man.

This aesthetic quality then is what politics is all about. It's authenticity that separates winners from losers good politics from bad and he-man leader-types from consultant-directed puppet-boys.

Poetry operates by hints and dark suggestions. It is full of secrets and hidden formulae like a witch's brew.

PC stuff just lowers the general acceptance of good work and replaces it with bogus poetry that celebrates values that in themselves are probably quite worthy.

Poetry it is often said and loudly so is life's true mirror. But a monkey looking into a work of literature looks in vain for Socrates.

A very intimate sense of the expressiveness of outward things which ponders listens penetrates where the earlier less developed consciousness passed lightly by is an important element in the general temper of our modern poetry.

A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.

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So I go to my first book signing and these two girls came up and gave me a piece of paper: '10 reasons you should date our dad. He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. He's a lawyer.' He didn't know what was going on. He didn't even know me. They called him and he came down and asked me out that day. Now I'm dating their dad!