Search For rapid In Quotes 38

A lady's imagination is very rapid it jumps from admiration to love from love to matrimony in a moment.

People are rapidly losing hope and trust. They believe their government has been captured by special interests and no longer cares about them and they are right.

The current state of knowledge is a moment in history changing just as rapidly as the state of knowledge in the past has ever changed and in many instances more rapidly.

The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.

The TUC's new slogan 'a future that works' sets a profound challenge. Austerity and rapid deficit reduction is failing in its own terms but even at its best it is short-sighted muddle-through politics with no vision of a new economic model.

The Australian Government's decision to take on the dominant funding role for the entire public hospital system is designed to: end the blame game eliminate waste and to shoulder the funding burden of the rapidly rising health costs of the future.

What I think we fear is rapid pronounced and uncontrollable changes to ourselves and because of this we have a form of personality inertia - something that resists rapid change.

With engineering I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly.

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.

Apartheid education rarely mentioned in the press or openly confronted even among once-progressive educators is alive and well and rapidly increasing now in the United States.

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When I was in my 30s I was at the end of a long-term relationship and going through a very hard time. I'd had about 15 different addresses and a series of relationships. I thought 'It's time to have a look at yourself.'