Search For ranch In Quotes 55

Every branch of human knowledge if traced up to its source and final principles vanishes into mystery.

I hope that no American will waste his franchise and throw away his vote by voting either for me or against me solely on account of my religious affiliation. It is not relevant.

To those who have chosen the profession of medicine a knowledge of chemistry and of some branches of natural history and indeed of several other departments of science affords useful assistance.

Watergate provides a model case study of the interaction and powers of each of the branches of government. It also is a morality play with a sad and dramatic ending.

We all learn in school that the judicial legislative and executive branches of government must check and balance each other. But other non state institutions must participate in this important system of checks and balances as well. These checking institutions include the academy the media religious institutions and NGOs.

The Founders recognized that Government is quite literally a necessary evil that there must be opposition between its various branches and between political parties for these are the only ways to temper the individual's greed for power and the electorates' desires for peace by submission to coercion or blandishment.

It matters enormously to a successful democratic society like ours that we have three branches of government each with some independence and some control over the other two. That's set out in the Constitution.

Our laws governing lobbying and campaign contributions have struck the right balance between the wishes of the people and those of private industry so why are we so quick to doubt that the same great results can be achieved by putting the government's justice-dealing branch on the same market-based course?

When the three branches of government have failed to represent the citizenry and the mass of the media has failed to represent the citizenry then the citizenry better represent the citizenry.

Under the doctrine of separation of powers the manner in which the president personally exercises his assigned executive powers is not subject to questioning by another branch of government.