Search For pursue In Quotes 107

But I think the real tension lies in the relationship between what you might call the pursuer and his quarry whether it's the writer or the spy.

We believe in a flexible union of free member states who share treaties and institutions and pursue together the ideal of co-operation to represent and promote the values of European civilisation in the world advance our shared interests by using our collective power to open markets and to build a strong economic base across the whole of Europe.

Our enemies are our evil deeds and their memories our pride our selfishness our malice our passions which by conscience or by habit pursue us with a relentlessness past the power of figure to express.

We all have our own life to pursue our own kind of dream to be weaving and we all have the power to make wishes come true as long as we keep believing.

If I can inspire someone to go in a positive way and pursue a dream it can only be good.

It all has to do with art - writing painting things I've done for a long time but just never had enough time to pursue. I have poetry - things that are designed for songs but they're always poems first.

Some people suggest that the problem is the separation of powers. If you had a parliamentary system the struggle for power would not result in such complex peace treaties that empower so many different people to pursue so many contradictory aims.

Zoos are becoming facsimiles - or perhaps caricatures - of how animals once were in their natural habitat. If the right policies toward nature were pursued we would need no zoos at all.

I'll probably pursue doing more movies but not horror or movies with killers in them. I'll try to stick to happy movies. I want to act and direct like Jodie Foster. I admire her because she went to college and she's still doing the same thing.

I decided to pursue music so I dropped out of school and I told my parents I didn't want any money from them. I got three jobs and I just hit the ground running.