Search For products In Quotes 69

In my own life I decided to leave meat off my plate in medical school but was a bit slow to realise that dairy products and eggs are not health foods either.

They are imaginary characters. But perhaps not solely the products of my imagination since there are some aspects of the characters that relate to my own experience of a wide variety of people.

I look back into past history the stored experiences or products of the imagination. I look no further forward than the evening.

Great men are usually the products of their times and one of the men developed by these times takes rank with the greatest railroad leaders in history.

I think that the entertainment industry itself has a history of chasing success. Any time a hit product comes out all the other companies start chasing after that success and trying to recreate it by putting out similar products.

The long-established and noble rule of Law one of the greatest products of the character and tradition of British history has suffered a deadly blow. Blackmail has become respectable.

There is much that public policy can do to support American entrepreneurs. Health insurance reform will make it easier for entrepreneurs to take a chance on a new business without putting their family's health at risk. Tort reform will make it easier to take prudent risks on new products in a number of sectors.

I'm always active in trying to educate people when it comes to eating animal products testing on animals and the health benefits of being vegan although I'm probably not the best person to be talking about the latter at the moment.

A lot of companies have chosen to downsize and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers they would continue to open their wallets.

For 50 years nuclear power stations have produced three products which only a lunatic could want: bomb-explosive plutonium lethal radioactive waste and electricity so dear it has to be heavily subsidised. They leave to future generations the task and most of the cost of making safe sites that have been polluted half-way to eternity.