Search For presenting In Quotes 26

By presenting a faithful and honest record of my experience as a mother I hope to show both my readers and my children how truth can redeem even what you fear might be the gravest of sins.

I am very lucky because I am realizing my childhood dreams and after presenting my shows it's like a party.

There's a power in women being women. There's a role for men but we don't have to be men because we're women. I think that representing that on television is a cool thing.

For the greater beauty of the instrument the balls representing the planets are to be of considerable bigness but so contrived that they may be taken off at pleasure and others much smaller and fitter for some purposes put in their places.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is unsurpassed at presenting more than 50 centuries of work. I go there constantly seeing things over and over better than I've ever seen them before.

I am aware that in presenting myself as the advocate of the Indians and their rights I shall stand very much alone.