Search For presentation In Quotes 31

I think people are more savvy about cooking food and dining. I notice they are looking for more value for their money - not in larger portions but more in terms of healthier fresh farm-to-table dishes with a nice presentation.

I'm into very colorful food. Obviously lots of flavor but I think we eat with our eyes first so it has to look great. The presentation has to be great.

You know it shouldn't just be about women as heroic figures overcoming things it just needs to be about women in general getting the opportunity to play a multitude of roles telling a multitude of stories - just to express human experience from a woman's perspective. I hope someday we can get to that point. I'm all about representation.

If the Liberals' law is passed will sex education in the schools including elementary grades include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.

More than 100 people have been sent to death row who were later exonerated because they weren't guilty or fairly tried. Most criminal defendants do not get adequate representation because there are not enough public defenders to represent them. There is a lot that is wrong.

Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.

Though there might not be any easy answers to the problem of poverty its most compelling scribes do not resign themselves to representation solely for the sake of those age-old verities of truth and beauty.

The leading edge in evidence presentation is in science the leading edge in beauty is in high art.

You don't know what the Chinese expect in the way of beauty. The presentation is just a farce. You come into a room filled with 50 people and they don't talk to you. There's very little interaction.

The pleasure we derive from the representation of the present is due not only to the beauty it can be clothed in but also to its essential quality of being the present.