Search For powerful In Quotes 234

I get strength from my art - all the paintings I own are powerful.

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

Obama often criticizes policies that place the interests of the powerful ahead of the powerless. But through his administration's support of abortion rights Obama shows his lack of empathy for society's most powerless.

The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.

We have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society but upward to the Great Society.

But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods.

At a time when science plays such a powerful role in the life of society when the destiny of the whole of mankind may hinge on the results of scientific research it is incumbent on all scientists to be fully conscious of that role and conduct themselves accordingly.

Without renouncing the support of physics it is possible for the physiology of the senses not only to pursue its own course of development but also to afford to physical science itself powerful assistance.

Science gives us a powerful vocabulary and it is impossible to produce a vocabulary with which one can only say nice things.

Science has produced such powerful weapons that in a war between great powers there would be neither victor nor vanquished. Both would be overwhelmed in destruction.