Search For polish In Quotes 24

I use many different gadgets connected with computers I use PCs laptops and a Palm Pilot. I also use the Internet to visit websites especially within Polish-language Internet. I usually go to political discussion groups and sites - of course as I use my real name people never believe that they are chatting with me!

My happiest memory of childhood was my first birthday in reform school. This teacher took an interest in me. In fact he gave me the first birthday presents I ever got: a box of Cracker Jacks and a can of ABC shoe polish.

If I don't make the team out of spring training I'll keep a good attitude. I'll just go polish up the parts of my game that made me not stay in the big leagues.

You may choose your words like a connoisseur And polish it up with art But the word that sways and stirs and stays Is the word that comes from the heart.