Search For pieces In Quotes 76

We all need to look into the dark side of our nature - that's where the energy is the passion. People are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us we're busy denying.

The chess-board is the world the pieces are the phenomena of the universe the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us.

There are certain pieces of music that are always attached to certain books.

I make a lot of pieces of music that I never release as CDs.

I'm a big collector of vinyl - I have a record room in my house - and I've always had a huge soundtrack album collection. So what I do as I'm writing a movie is go through all those songs trying to find good songs for fights or good pieces of music to layer into the film.

When I go into making a movie personally I don't try to bring other pieces of movies with me.

I've seen little pieces of 'Interview with a Vampire' when it was on TV but I kind of always go yuck! I don't watch R-rated movies so that really cuts down on a lot of the horror.

I have worked on very good movies that have been buried and I've worked on some resounding mediocrities that have been paraded through the marketplace like they were masterpieces.

In the morning we received some very thin coffee. For lunch we had potato soup with a few pieces of meat in it in the evening we had a very thin meat soup with some potatoes in it.

Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion I spent the rest of the day putting the pieces together.